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TGS Mission

At Training Ground Studios Inc. we seek to Inspire our students to pursue their passion for whichever form of art they choose while getting to witness their beautiful Transformation as we train them in up in the skills needed to thrive. We seek to provide a joyful environment needed for them to feel Renewed as they are encouraged to express who they are in our creator's eyes; meanwhile hoping to share our Savior's ultimate love with them as the sons and daughters of the Most High God!

Inspire~ Transform~ Renew

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - 

His good, pleasing, and perfect will." Romans 12:2


Since opening our doors in 2014, Training Ground Studios (TGS) has been driven by a passion to infuse every aspect of our work with God’s goodness. We're incredibly grateful to offer our TGS families top-tier training led by exceptional instructors. Our programs cater to all ages, spanning from our littlest ones to adults, covering a diverse range of disciplines from dance to musical theater to acrobatics. Regardless of where you are in your journey, we're here to support your growth every step of the way. At TGS, we view dance as a powerful form of expression, capable of inspiring, transforming, and renewing lives. Whether you're here for the joy of it or aiming to reach new heights, you're a treasured member of our community.





Engaging in visual and performing arts with us isn't merely about mastering steps or memorizing lines; it's about tapping into a transformative force shaping your life journey. Through acting, dance, and music, students acquire essential life skills transcending the stage, refining communication, navigating emotions, and fostering teamwork. As confidence blossoms with new skills and ideas, students sharpen focus, broaden understanding, and nurture empathy in preparation for performances. As a nonprofit studio blending artistic skill development with faith-based guidance, we inspire personal growth, empowerment, and fulfillment through purposeful movement, scripture connection, and embracing creativity.






At TGS, we empower our dancers and performers to excel in their craft and make a positive impact in the world around them. Therefore, our primary goal is to provide as many opportunities as possible to share their creative talents beyond our studio doors. We're not only dedicated to providing the most excellent training programs to increase their technical abilities, but we are equally committed to our purpose towards discipleship and mentoring to support their core value. This opens the door for our students to pursue a more committed goal of joining one of our performing companies, Rhythms of Grace or Kingdom Impact. Our two dance companies open the door for them to share their love and appreciation for Kingdom artistry through each expressive and storytelling choreography. Our performing companies are designed to specifically equip them to be more confident in future auditions and more importantly in every aspect of life.  We are blessed to embrace partnerships with Open Door Ministries, The Promise in Glen Rose, Arrows International, and other local worship organizations. Throughout these connections and collaborations our students at TGS will gain more opportunities to enhance their training and passion towards the worship arts. Additionally, master class workshops will provide our TGS students with more rewarding experiences, allowing them to flourish.



Studio Director, Ms. Tiffany, wholeheartedly believes that DANCE SPEAKS~ and we are never too old to follow our passions and embrace the artistic abilities He's blessed us with!

Hear from our families and students...

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